I’m Moving

…not physically. Just in the blog world.

Sorry I keep switching websites. For some reason WordPress doesn’t have a lot of options and I’ve always hated that. So, I’m moving to blogspot.

Here’s my new blog. Hope you follow me 🙂


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prayer room

Will just finished a great series about becoming a forerunner in the bride of Christ and how to live that out.

Listen to his series here (scroll down the page):


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Did You Know…

…that eating a teaspoon of honey a day from a local honey comb helps suppress allergies? I’m so excited. I feel convicted whenever I have to depend on a daily medication of any sort.  God doesn’t want us to deal with those petty things… “by His strpies, we are healed”. I’ve been trying to live my life by that word more everyday. Why don’t we have more faith even in the little things?

Well, a friend of ours told us this fun little fact and we looked up a local honey seller online and found one right down the street! The people have been doing it for 35 years and continue to sell their delicious honey.

Apparently, eating local honey allows us to have natural immunities towards local pollen and other allergies. It gets into our system and gets our bodies used to it so it’s not as bothersome. Plus, its gosh darn scrumptious.

Just a fun fact. Look up your local honey distributors. You’d be amazed at how many you can find.


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Launch Party

Ok it’s official.

My launch party to start Arbonne is on June 7th at 5:00pm at my house.

I’ve got the normal heebie jeebies about it. Say, like, no one shows up. Or I’ll get so discouraged that I’ll want to quit.

But, my husband over here tells me to shut up! 🙂 God told us to move our lives in this direction which means that He only has good things in store.

I’m really excited. If you’re reading this and would like to come to my first party to just support me in starting this business, I would love that! It’s a no pressure party… just a way for me to learn the ins and outs on how to do things. It will be a great night of getting pampered with some really great skin products as well as a girls night.

Let me know if you can come. Respond here or write an email to lauradstern@gmail.com

If you can’t be there, just be praying for God to open doors for me in this business, not for myself, but for the big picture. That God would open doors in heavenly realms because of where He’s taking me and our family.

Thanks a bunch!arbonne

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Job Venture

I graduate in, give or take, about 3 weeks. What job am I taking after school, you ask? Well… here’s the thing.

Surprisingly enough, I got offered 3 jobs that I didn’t even apply to. During this economy, you say? Yep that’s right. That’s not to brag… just to say that God is extremely good to his children. Proves that there’s nothing to worry during this time of uncertainty. BUT, crazy me decided not to take either of those jobs. I can see the tomatoes being thrown at me across the net as I write this. I may be crazy, true. But, I’m crazy sure that God’s plan is for me to do something else.

What IS that something else?

I decided to start my own business. Go down my own track for a while. It was so hard for me to picture myself committing to a job that I, ultimately, knew that it wouldn’t fit into my overall picture of life. God’s always told me that my family needs to be number one, no matter what. So, I want to prepare for that. Let’s say, I work at a spa and don’t build a strong clientele for 2 years. By that time, I don’t want to be working harder, I want to be working less or not at all. I want kids. I want to be home. It’s always been my dream.

So, a couple weekends ago, I had an interview at a salon. They offered me a great position. I was thinking it over and  Will said, “I’m feeling like we need to start a business.” I laughed. That is sooo not Will’s personality. I ignored it until the next day, talking to a friend of mine at church. She told me about what she does and really encouraged me in what I want to do someday.

She does Arbonne. It’s a great great great business. It’s very trustworthy and very rewarding. You pick your hours, you’re your own boss, and you don’t have a limit to where you go financially. Plus, you get all the time in the world to spend in the prayer room if you want 🙂

Although I’ve heard about Arbonne before, it sparked a special interest in me this time. I’ve never felt so excited about a job like I have this. It’s going to take dedication. I can’t treat it like a hobby, or I won’t be successful. This will be my full time job for a while. I’m going to work my hardest to meet my goals and I’m going to be determined. I know God’s best for me, and I want to make it there. May take a while…

Anyway, that’s the plan. My last day at school is June 5th. I’ll be starting Arbonne immediately after that. I’ll be putting updates up on here to keep everyone in touch.

With my skin  care background, I’m really excited to be promoting these products. They really are sooo great and I can’t wait to help people with their skin and teach them more.

The person right over me has been very successful with Arbonne, so she is coaching me and it is such a blessing. The Lord has provided already in such a big way.

If you’re at all interested in being a part of my team or even just supporting me by throwing a party for Arbonne to help my business get started, I would love to talk with you!!

Until next time…

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The Coleman Family


It’s been a day of disbelief and sadness here in St. Louis and at our church. A friend of ours was murdered, along with her 2 sons, this morning in their own home. Her husband, Chris, came home to a tragedy.

In this time of mourning, I just ask for God’s hand to be on Chris and his mind and emotions. That even in the midst of pain, he would be able to find God’s peace close to him.

I wrote this in order to allow word out to keep Chris in your thoughts and prayers this week. Although we are certain that God has a plan for everything, we are aware that this is the most difficult thing that any human could possibly endure. Pray for peace to be on his heart as well as for God’s justice to be reigning over this situation.

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Me, a terrorist?

My own state has had the guts to say that me, and any0ne and everyone that believes in what I believe, is titled an “extremist” and part of a “militia movement” or “terrorist”. Uh, hold on a sec. What?

Because of my beliefs in the sovereignty of the states of our country, that I believe babies have a right to live, that I believe in the right to bear arms, that I don’t want a one world government, that I believe that the government should not control my life, because my husband attended a gun show, because I like to be prepared for natural disaster, because I am a part of a “religion”….I am considered to be part of a militia.

Click on these pages to see what I’m talking about:





This is no joke. It was a document put out by the MO highway patrol for citizens and police to be able to identify potentially “dangerous” militia groups. Basically describing anyone who is Christian and who at all opposes what Barack Obama has begun to do in this country. Therefore, taking away our freedoms that the constitution has given us with our beliefs. A man was even interrogated at the St. Louis airport because of this new document because he supports Ron Paul.


Sounds a little socialist nutso to me.

All I can say is we just need to be constantly on our knees in prayer that our country would turn their hearts back to the Lord. And to ask for mercy for the ways that the world has chosen to turn against him.

Is this part of the persecution that the Bible talks about? I don’t know… but what I do know is that the Bible speaks clearly of a church that rises up stronger than ever in the midst of darkness. YES. That’s amazing.

All I know is this. I love Jesus with all my heart and will defend Him always. Even if I seem like the one fish that is going the other way. I want Jesus to trust me with His heart and know that I will stand by it always.

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Guilty Pleasures

Figure I’d lighten the mood here and talk about my most recent loves.

This morning I was singing a song that I love. It got me thinking about how that would make a great blog. Why is it that it’s so much easier to expose everything about yourself via blog. Oh well, I embrace it. You make a list too 🙂

I love……

– Taco Bell. How does that mexican money making machine steal my heart so easily?

– Skin Ceuticals skin care line. Seriously…amazing. The science behind it. I feel like a new woman.

–  Building a new home for my soon to be chicken babies.

– Dancing and singing around the house with Will. I mean…. we don’t do that. Ever. 😉

– Heels. They have magical confidence powers.

– The new “pale skin is in” trend. YES. Finally!

– Having God provide even before you could even have time to worry about provision.

– Moes. It’s the highlight of my week on Sundays after church.

– The old  Daniel Bedingfield “If You’re Not the One” song that never gets old in my book. So romantic.

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Killing Babies

I’m gonna just venture out here and say something quite out of the ordinary. What I’m about to say is something that was put on my heart after quite some time of the Lord dealing with me about it. Last night I was at church and the message was about caring for orphans, widows, and aliens. That’s God’s heart.

Of course, as most of you have been aware, I’m strongly against murdering babies. I think if everyone used that wording, rather than the nice term that our world has given it, then maybe people would really see what’s happening. Will and I have been watching different documentaries on the elite of the world who have one concern… to gain power. These people, either government officials or strong business leaders, want to gain power by reducing the world’s population to about half a billion people. Now, we have about 6 billion people on the earth now… don’t ya think that’s a little unreasonable? Yeahhhh, me too. So here’s the reality of it, these people don’t want me or you here. Unless you own some big company or you have been to harvard and now make millions of dollars, then they would rather us not still keep reproducing. It’s a simple way of thinking for evolutionists, kill off anyone who is of a lesser being (or so they think). This was all Hitler’s views. He was a believer in evolution and the reason why he did the things he did was to make the world a “better” place by getting rid of the people that haven’t evolved as far (or so he thought). It’s messed up.

Anyway, our world hasn’t changed that much since then. We have people still to this day, probably more than ever before, who want the world to be this amazing place with tons of money and power (basically selfishness). It’s written in the Bible, the last days really won’t be pretty. All people looking to themselves for happiness and wealth. Not caring about anyone else. It’s the opposite of what Jesus would do in the Earth.

Margaret Sanger, the creator of Planned Parenthood and of birth control, was a huge supporter of Eugenics and, no surprise, evolution. Another example of someone who supported the thought that humans should be killed in order to control population.

I don’t know what all this hulabuloo about over-population is. Seriously. Drive around in Kansas or Illinois for a while and you’ll know what I’m talking about. There’s plenty of room for us.

God created a world that would continue to flourish. A world where His people would keep multiplying so that He could spend time with them. However, Satan’s got another plan. It’s obvious to me that Satan’s main plan is to kill as many people as he can in order to ruin what God had originally planned. Think about it, 20% of the earth’s population has been killed off just in killing babies alone. Our nation makes a huge deal about Sept. 11 (which was, indeed, an awful thing)… but what about the people that are being killed day by day? 3030 people died that tragic day, while 4500 people are being killed without even a word being said about it. What is wrong with this picture?

God has been bringing so many things to the light to me about what’s really going on in the world. Try asking Him about it and really listening, if you haven’t already, because He’s eager to tell the people that want to hear. It’s sad and it’s breaking my heart, but mostly God’s.

Have you ever wondered why the killing of babies has ever been ok? Really think about it. It doesn’t make sense. Satan has blinded so many people into thinking that it’s a choice. When has life ever been a choice? The Christians are made out to be these awful people by using terms negative terms such as “anti-abortionist” while they get the term “pro-choice”. Pro anything sounds so much more loving and accepting.  We are battling a war here… not just any war but one against spirits. Satan so wants this to keep going under cover so that people don’t really realize what’s going on. The longer he can go with people being distracted with other issues such as rape, incest, or women’s rights… the better for him. He’s got so many people tricked.

My goal is to bring his nasty lies to the light. That’s exactly what he doesn’t want. Wake people up! Killing babies is wrong. Period. Evil is always done in the darkness… good is done in plain daylight for people to see. Have we ever considered that maybe killing babies is done on purpose for a specific end cause? That it’s not, in fact, supporting “women’s rights”. If we were for the cause of supporting women’s rights, we would do everything in our power to support women who are hurting and in need and confused on where to go and what to do. It’s not ever a person’s “right” to kill another person. Will always says, “if I were somehow in your body, would it be ok for you to kill me?” of course not! The baby is not the woman’s body. It’s a separate life. It deserves a chance. Even the argument that says that it’s not alive because it can’t live on it’s own doesn’t make sense. If you or I were out in the arctic with nothing, no clothes no food, would that give anyone the right to kill us because we can’t live on our own? No.  Many people have survived botched abortions. Isn’t that proof that it is alive?

I just don’t understand the debate… why there is even a debate. There shouldn’t be.

So… after all that ranting and rambling (ha!)… I will say this.

If anyone is considering an abortion or knows someone that is, tell them the truth. I would also like to say that if you are considering an abortion, I will find someone that would be happy to take your baby and give it a loving home or support you during your pregnancy (even if it’s me). One life is a BIG DEAL… and I’m willing to do anything to help.

Comment me and let me know.

Thanks for reading this. I know it was a lot of words… but, let’s be honest, it’s a lot of truth too. I don’t want to be shut up about this issue. That’s what satan wants. Let’s bring this whole thing to the light and do something about it.

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Will’s Message

Will spoke a great message in the prayer room on Tuesday. Unfortunately, with my busy schedule, I’m not able to go to the prayer room even near as much as I would like so I wasn’t able to physically be there to hear it. But, I went online to listen to it and am so proud of my man 🙂

He is so in love with the Lord. Moreso than anyone I’ve ever known. And you can really tell when he speaks. God is really going to use this gift of his in a big way… I just know it.

Take a gander (with your ear…)


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