Me, a terrorist?

My own state has had the guts to say that me, and any0ne and everyone that believes in what I believe, is titled an “extremist” and part of a “militia movement” or “terrorist”. Uh, hold on a sec. What?

Because of my beliefs in the sovereignty of the states of our country, that I believe babies have a right to live, that I believe in the right to bear arms, that I don’t want a one world government, that I believe that the government should not control my life, because my husband attended a gun show, because I like to be prepared for natural disaster, because I am a part of a “religion”….I am considered to be part of a militia.

Click on these pages to see what I’m talking about:





This is no joke. It was a document put out by the MO highway patrol for citizens and police to be able to identify potentially “dangerous” militia groups. Basically describing anyone who is Christian and who at all opposes what Barack Obama has begun to do in this country. Therefore, taking away our freedoms that the constitution has given us with our beliefs. A man was even interrogated at the St. Louis airport because of this new document because he supports Ron Paul.

Sounds a little socialist nutso to me.

All I can say is we just need to be constantly on our knees in prayer that our country would turn their hearts back to the Lord. And to ask for mercy for the ways that the world has chosen to turn against him.

Is this part of the persecution that the Bible talks about? I don’t know… but what I do know is that the Bible speaks clearly of a church that rises up stronger than ever in the midst of darkness. YES. That’s amazing.

All I know is this. I love Jesus with all my heart and will defend Him always. Even if I seem like the one fish that is going the other way. I want Jesus to trust me with His heart and know that I will stand by it always.

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